I Understand What You Re Saying in Spanish Translation
I ful l y understand what you are saying. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Comprendo muy bi en lo qu e es t� diciendo. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
I ful l y understand what you are saying. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | La comprendo t otalmente. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
If you continue speaking in Catalan, the Members of this House [...] will not be able t o understand what you are saying. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Si sigue hablando en catal�n, los diputados de [...] esta C�ma ra no po dr� n entender l o q ue es t� diciendo. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Test your message out on your [...] family and friends: Do th e y understand what you are saying a n d what you are asking [...] them to do? europe.wagggsworld.org europe.wagggsworld.org | Compruebe su mensaje present�ndoselo a [...] familiares y a migos : �comprenden e llos lo qu e usted pretende transmitir y lo q ue les pide [...] que hagan? europe.wagggsworld.org europe.wagggsworld.org |
It is crucial to talk to your child, even [...] though he or she may not ful l y understand what you are saying. medel.com medel.com | Es crucial hablar con el ni�o aunque crea que [...] �l o ell a no lle ga a entender to ta lmente l o qu e est� diciendo. medel.com medel.com |
Chewing makes it more difficult t o understand what you are saying. medical.hear-it.org medical.hear-it.org | Si masti ca ser� m� s dif �cil d e entender l o que es t� diciendo. spanish.medical.hear-it.org spanish.medical.hear-it.org |
Mrs Lynne, of course I understand what you are saying , b ut in any case, and you are well aware of this, [...] it is not because we are bringing [...] voting time forward by half an hour that your report cannot be dealt with in the morning. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Se �ora Lyn ne , comprendo p er fec tamente lo q ue u st ed dice, p er o de tod as maner as, y usted lo sa be bien, [...] no es el hecho de avanzar una media [...] hora las votaciones lo que va a hacer que su informe no pueda ser examinado esta ma�ana. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
Even though he may n o t understand what you are saying , l istening to [...] you talk helps him learn to talk. okhca.org okhca.org | Aun cuando [...] tal vez n o comprenda lo qu e uste d dice, esc uchar lo hablar [...] le ayuda al ni�o a aprender a hablar. okhca.org okhca.org |
If the child does n o t understand what you are saying , t ry rephrasing [...] rather than repeating it. first5calaveras.org first5calaveras.org | Si el n i�o no entiende lo que has dicho, tr ata de h acer una [...] nueva frase u oraci�n en vez de repetirla. first5calaveras.org first5calaveras.org |
I understand what you are saying. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Comprendo e l sentido de su intervenci�n y tomamos nota de ello. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
(MT) I am from a country near the sea, on the [...] border of the European [...] Union - Malta - and I understand t ha t what you are saying i s a step in the right [...] direction in the medium [...] and long term, however we need to understand that we are facing a crisis. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | (MT) Soy de un pa�s cercano al mar, en [...] la frontera de la Uni�n [...] Europea -Mal ta-, y creo qu e lo qu e e st� usted diciendo e s u n p aso e n la direcci�n [...] correcta a medio [...] y a largo plazo, pero debemos comprender que nos enfrentamos a una crisis. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
I understand v e ry we l l what you are saying a n d you are right: [...] the European Union should work in a wider context of international cooperation. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Entiendo , p or supuesto, que usted diga , y con raz�n, que [...] la Uni�n Europea debe actuar dentro de un marco de colaboraci�n internacional m�s amplio. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
I c a n understand v e ry we l l what you are saying a b out the internal market. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Entiendo mu y b ien l o que dice sob re el merc ado interior. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
The child may n o t understand what you o r othe r s are saying , a nd so may have difficulty [...] staying on task, or keeping up with activities. multcolib.org multcolib.org | Es po sibl e que el ni �o no entienda lo q ue usted u otr as pers onas dicen, y p uede tener dificultad [...] para mantenerse en un trabajo [...] o seguir el ritmo de las actividades. multcolib.org multcolib.org |
You understand what p e op l e are saying a r ound you; chatter on the subway is no longer [...] just background noise. america.gov america.gov | Entiendes l o que habl a la gente y la conversaci�n en el metro ya no es un mero ruido [...] de fondo. america.gov america.gov |
Do you understand what we are saying h e re? kjvbiblestudy.com kjvbiblestudy.com | �Entiendes lo que est am os diciendo aq u�? kjvbiblestudy.com kjvbiblestudy.com |
You have to [...] make sure th a t you a c tual l y understand what t he y are saying a n d find ways [...] to implement their ideas. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org | Hemos de estar seguros d e comprender b i en lo qu e dicen y bu scar el modo de poner [...] en pr�ctica sus ideas. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
As you learn to interpret the [...] various nuances of body languag e , you c a n learn t o understand what p e op l e are r e all y " saying ". vnacarenewengland.org vnacarenewengland.org | Mientras aprende a interpretar los varios matices del [...] lenguaje co rpora l, usted pu ede apr end er a entender l o q ue la gen te est a "diciendo" r eal men te. vnacarenewengland.org vnacarenewengland.org |
Make su r e you understand what p a rticipan t s are saying , f or example, by paraphrasing what they have said so that they can correct [...] you if you have misunderstood. ipas.org ipas.org | As eg�r ese de comprender lo qu e los p art icipante s est�n diciendo , po r ejemplo, parafraseando lo que acaban de decir par a que puedan [...] corregirlo en caso [...] de que usted no haya entendido bien. ipas.org ipas.org |
Lip reading (also called speech reading) involves paying close attention to how a person's mouth and body are moving when [...] they talk to he l p you understand what t he y are saying. scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com | La lectura de los labios (tambi�n llamada lectura del habla) implica poner [...] atenci�n cuidadosa en la manera en la que se est�n moviendo la boca y el cuerpo de una persona cuando [...] habla, p ara a yud ar a entender l o q ue e st� diciendo. scasouthjersey.com scasouthjersey.com |
I understand what t h e Membe r s are saying i n wanting to [...] foster occupational training. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Ahora quisiera ha cer referencia a l a formaci�n profesional. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
When you realize how much a strong feeling like [...] love can d o , you w il l understand what we are saying. internationalhumanistparty.org internationalhumanistparty.org | Basta ver lo que es capaz de mover un sentimiento fuerte [...] como el amor para comprender lo que e sta mos diciendo. internationalhumanistparty.org internationalhumanistparty.org |
I therefore assume that y o u are o n ly voicing half-truths a n d saying what you l i ke to hear. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | De mod o que lo qu e dice t an s�lo es u na ve rdad a medias y lo que le gust ar�a o�r. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
With regard to the [...] functional blocks, I understand what t h e honourable Membe r s are saying. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Respecto a los bloques f unci onal es , entiendo l o q ue dicen su s Se�o r�as. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
This age group does n o t understand what t he y are saying a n d instead are just [...] experimenting with language and new found facts about the world. content.jeffersonhospital.org content.jeffersonhospital.org | Este gru po d e ed ad no entiende lo qu e e st� diciendo y e st� simp lemente [...] experimentando con el lenguaje y las cosas que acaba de aprender acerca del mundo. content.jeffersonhospital.org content.jeffersonhospital.org |
Europe needs a debate and European leaders [...] need to hear a n d understand what p e op l e are saying t o them, especially [...] following the meeting of [...] Foreign Ministers at the weekend. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Europa necesita un debate y los dirigentes [...] europeos tienen que escuc har y entender lo qu e los ciudadanos quieren [...] decirles, sobre todo despu�s [...] de la reuni�n de Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores durante el fin de semana. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
If consumers are not familiar with a [...] particular trust mark, and do n o t understand what it is saying a b out the website, they will [...] likely not gain any confidence from it. verisign.com.au verisign.com.au | Si una marca de [...] confianza no es lo bastante conocida y los consumido res n o entienden qu� in dica sobre un [...] sitio, dif�cilmente podr� cumplir su cometido. verisign.es verisign.es |
Let me just say finally that I believe it will be necessary to have an interaction and a relationship between the scientists and the law-makers and between the risk assessment and the risk management so as to [...] make absolutely certain [...] that those drafting the la w s understand what t h e scientis t s are saying , a nd that the scientists are [...] satisfied that the law-makers [...] are drafting the laws in such a way as to deal with the concerns expressed by them in their opinion in the area of risk assessment. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu | Perm�tanme decir, para terminar, que creo que deber� existir una interrelaci�n, unas relaciones entre los cient�ficos y los juristas y la evaluaci�n de los factores de riesgo para garantizar con total [...] seguridad que los [...] responsables de r edac tar la s leyes comprenden lo qu e d icen l os cient�ficos, y que l os cient�ficos es t�n satisfechos [...] con el modo en [...] que los juristas redactan las leyes de forma que contemplen los criterios que ellos han expresado en su dictamen en el �mbito de la evaluaci�n de los factores de riesgo. europarl.europa.eu europarl.europa.eu |
I Understand What You Re Saying in Spanish Translation
Source: https://www.linguee.com/english-spanish/translation/i+understand+what+you+are+saying.html